Showing results 1 to 20 of 18067
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Issue Date | Title | Sub-Title | Author(s) | Journal Name | Volume Number | Issue Number | Pages |
2001 | 0-1 Knapsack problems with random budgets | - | Das, Shubhabrata ; Ghosh, Diptesh | | | | 22p. |
2015 | 0635 renewals: consumer retension strategy; Microsoft | - | Kar, Atasi | | | | 12p. |
2010 | 1) Ananta program: Database analysis, way forward and market research to improve to program effectiveness. 2) Golden Grammage scheme: Identifying the right target group and decide on the promotive/incentive strategy to maximize enrollments; Titan Industries Limited. | - | Sadangi, Debashish | | | | 9p. |
2021 | 10 minutes delivery model | - | Maji, Arijit ; Sahebrao, Tappe Rohit | | | | 11p. |
2009 | 10 personae of heavy social networking site users in India | - | Srinivasan, Karthik ; Modi, Abhinav | | | | 46p. |
2020 | 100% labels: Its influence on purchase intention of ayurvedic/herbal products | - | Asokan, Sangeeth ; Dharnesh, B R | | | | 14p. |
26-Oct-2015 | 108,000 temples and their locations in India | - | Vaidyanathan, R | General | | | |
2008 | 130/30 strategy - rationale and methodology: Lehman Brothers, London | - | Aastha, Sachdeva | | | | 10p. |
1995 | 14 CTV market study; Philips India Limited | - | Mazumder, Apurva | | | | 53p. |
17-Nov-2014 | 1977-85 IIM , Bangalore: The 100-acre campus is inspired by Fatehpur Sikri's design | - | | India Today | | | |
30-May-2016 | 2 years of Modi: Time for big-bang changes; public-private sector mistrust needs to be corrected | - | Singh, Charan | Financial Express | | | |
2016 | 20-year financial inclusion plan: milestones, field feedback and monitoring | - | Singh, Charan | | | | 15p. |
2011 | 2011 Global markets spring programme: Nomura | - | Shrirao, Piyush | | | | 7p. |
2018 | 24 Mantra organic | - | Yogesh, Agrawal Anirudh ; Naik, Harshad | | | | 15p. |
2018 | 24 Mantra: Entering general trade | - | Singh, Akshita ; Shekhar, Shivam | | | | 30p. |
1994 | 25 MW wind farm: a report on feasibility study; Kirloskar Brothers Limited, Pune | - | Gupta, Sandeep | | | | 45p. |
2011 | 2G Spectrum Scam | - | Karthik, B ; Kumar, K Mahesh | | | | 23p. |
30-Dec-2009 | 3 idiots mobbed at mall, say they love Bangalore | - | | The Times of India | | | |
2014 | 3 Level integrated telemedicine network India | - | | | | | 2p. |
2011 | 32 stock ideas (buy and sell recommendations) based on fundamental analysis: G SACHS SECURITIES | - | Maloo, Deepak | | | | 47p. |