Naik, Gopal

Full Name
Naik, Gopal
Vernacular Name
Gopal Naik
Gopal Naik
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Professor Naik has been working in the areas of public policy, forecasting, marketing research, futures market, commodity markets, WTO, irrigation and forest management. He has been on the editorial board of national and international journals. He has been consultant to organizations such as the Ford Foundation, WHO, FAO, World Bank, NAFED, Central Silk Board, Spices Board, ICAR, Cadilla Pharma, Mahyco-Monsanto, JK Seeds, HSBC, DELL, Murugappa Group, Ministry of Commerce, Food Processing (GOI), FSSAI, NDDB, Ministry of Agriculture, and Forward Market Commission. He has served on several committees of the Government of India and State Governments. He is consultant to State and Central Governments, international organizations and private companies and has designed and coordinated programmes for civil service officers, and state and international legislators.

Results 1-17 of 17 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Sub-Title | Author(s) | Journal Name | Volume Number | Issue Number | Pages | |
1 | 2020 | Addressing crisis in Indian agriculture through agricultural information | - | Krishna, Aparna ; Naik, Gopal | IIMB Management Review | Vol.32 | Iss.2 | 217-219p. |
2 | 2006 | Adoption of BT cotton and impact variability: insights from India | - | Qaim, M ; Subramanian, A ; Naik, Gopal ; Zilberman, D | Review of Agricultural Economics | Vol.28 | Iss.1 | 48-58p. |
3 | 2009 | An integrated approach to agricultural marketing and financing | - | Naik, Gopal | Commodity Insights Yearbook, 2009 | 14-20p. | ||
4 | 2005 | Bt cotton controversy: some paradoxes explained | - | Naik, Gopal ; Qaim, Matin ; Subramanian, Arjunan ; Zilberman, David | Economic and Political Weekly | Vol.40 | Iss.15 | 1514-1517p. |
5 | 18-Jan-2017 | Case analysis: a bolt from the blue | - | Naik, Gopal | BW Business World | |||
6 | 2018 | Challenges of creating sustainable agri-retail supply chains | - | Naik, Gopal ; Suresh, D N | IIMB Management Review | Vol.30 | Iss.3 | 270-282p. |
7 | 9-May-2016 | Cleaning up Bengaluru from ward level | - | Naik, Gopal | Deccan Herald, Bangalore | |||
8 | 2011 | Designing a sustainable business model for e-governance embedded rural telecentres (EGERT) in India | - | Naik, Gopal | IIMB Management Review | Vol.23 | Iss.2 | 110-121p. |
9 | 30-Apr-2013 | Financial inclusion: an institutional perspective | - | Singh, Charan ; Naik, Gopal | Financial Express | |||
10 | 2012 | Fostering inclusive growth through e-governance embedded rural telecenters (EGERT) in India | - | Naik, Gopal ; Joshi, Siddharth ; Basavaraj, K P | Government information Quarterly | Vol.29 | Iss.1 | S82-S89p. |
11 | 2020 | Impact of use of technology on student learning outcomes: Evidence from a large-scale experiment in India | - | Naik, Gopal ; Chitre, Chetan ; Bhalla, Manaswini ; Rajan, Jothsna | World Development | Vol.127 | 28p. | |
12 | 2002 | Indian agricultural commodity futures markets: a performance survey | - | Naik, Gopal ; Jain, Sudhir Kumar | Economic and Political Weekly | Vol.37 | Iss.30 | 3161-3173p. |
13 | 2022 | Markets for Farmers: Revisiting the Role of Mandis in the Context of Farm Law's Repeal | - | Gopikuttan, Gopi Sankar ; Naik, Gopal | Economic and Political Weekly | Vol.57 | Iss.8 | 33-38p. |
14 | 2023 | Navigating Temporary Organizations: A Narrative Perspective | - | Rajan, Jothsna ; Jha, Srivardhini K ; Naik, Gopal | Journal of Management Inquiry | |||
15 | 2004 | The structural qualitative method: a promising forecasting tool for developing country markets | - | Naik, Gopal | International Journal of Forecasting | Vol.20 | Iss.3 | 475-485p. |
16 | 17-Mar-2008 | The tax is right, but needs rationalisation | - | Naik, Gopal | Financial Express | |||
17 | 2013 | Using geospatial technology to strengthen data systems in developing countries: the case of agricultural statistics in India | - | Naik, Gopal ; Paidi, Vijay ; Subramanian, Arjunan ; Hegde, V R ; Basavaraj, K P | Applied Geography | Vol.43 | 99-112p. |