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Showing results 1 to 20 of 6166  next >
Issue DateTitleSub-TitleAuthor(s)Journal NameVolume NumberIssue NumberPages
20010-1 Knapsack problems with random budgets-Das, Shubhabrata ; Ghosh, Diptesh 22p.
26-Oct-2015108,000 temples and their locations in India-Vaidyanathan, R General
30-May-20162 years of Modi: Time for big-bang changes; public-private sector mistrust needs to be corrected-Singh, Charan Financial Express
201620-year financial inclusion plan: milestones, field feedback and monitoring-Singh, Charan 15p.
7-Nov-20133D printing at imaginarium-Tripathy, Anshuman 
20124 Startups: Dancing with the Gorillas-Shameen, Prashantham ; Kumar, K 
20138 steps to innovation-Krishnan, Rishikesha T 
20128 Steps to innovation excellence-Krishnan, Rishikesha T 
20128 Steps to innovation excellence-Krishnan, Rishikesha T 
20128 Steps to innovation excellence-Krishnan, Rishikesha T 
20128 Steps to innovation excellence FL-Krishnan, Rishikesha T 
20138 steps to innovation: going from jugaad to excellence 8 steps to Innovation; going from jugaad to excellence-Krishnan, Rishikesha T ; Dabholkar, Vinay 320p.
2022A 0–1 mixed-integer program-based group-and-release strategy for solving the integrated runway scheduling and taxiway routing problem-Desai, Jitamitra ; Srivathsan, Sandeep ; Yu, Chuhang ; Zhang, Dong Naval Research LogisticsVol.69Iss.7939-957p.
6-Jul-2018A balancing act: but we’re in for tough times-Sriram, M S The New Indian Express
2012A bayesian approach to term structure modeling using heavy-tailed distributions-Abanto-Valle, Carlos Antonio ; Lachos, Victor H ; Ghosh, Pulak Applied Stochastic Models in Business and industryVol.28Iss.5430-447p.
2011A bayesian semiparametric multivariate joint model for multiple longitudinal outcomes and a time-to-event-Rizopoulos, Dimitris ; Ghosh, Pulak Statistics in MedicineVol.30Iss.121366-1380p.
2011A Bayesian Semiparametric Quantile Regression Model for Longitudinal Data with Application to Insurance-Sriram, Karthik ; Shi, Peng ; Ghosh, Pulak 38p.
2019A bayesian two-stage regression approach of analysing longitudinal outcomes with endogeneity and incompleteness-Bhuyan, Prajamitra ; Biswas, Jayabrata ; Ghosh, Pulak Statistical ModellingVol.19Iss.2157-173p.
2016A block-chain technology enabled framework for the sanitary pads supply-chain with smart contracts to facilitate direct benefits transfer-Diatha, Krishna Sundar ; Garg, Shashank ; Mahajan, Siddharth 
2023A branching random walk in the presence of a hard wall-Roy, Rishideep Journal of Applied Probability