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Title: Stochastic same-sidedness in the random voting model
Authors: Bandhu, Sarvesh 
Lahiri, Abhinaba 
Pramanik, Anup 
Keywords: Voting model;Stochastic same-sidedness;Random voting model
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Springer
Abstract: We study the implications of stochastic same-sidedness (SSS) axiom in the random voting model. At a given preference profile if one agent changes her preference ordering to an adjacent one by swapping two consecutively ranked alternatives, then SSS imposes two restrictions on the lottery selected by a voting rule before and after the swap. First, the sum of probabilities of the alternatives which are ranked strictly higher than the swapped pair should remain the same. Second, the sum of probabilities assigned to the swapped pair should also remain the same. We show that every random social choice function (RSCF) that satisfies efficiency and SSS is a random dictatorship provided that there are two voters or three alternatives. For the case of more than two voters and atleast four alternatives, every RSCF that satisfies efficiency, tops-onlyness and SSS is a random dictatorship.
ISSN: 0176-1714
DOI: 10.1007/s00355-023-01491-1
Appears in Collections:2020-2029 C

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