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Title: Union budget 2016: Need for major decisions
Authors: Singh, Charan 
Keywords: Economics;Economic growth;Union budget;Economic policy;Indian economy
Issue Date: 26-Feb-2016
Publisher: Insider Inc.
Abstract: The Union Government is formulating the budget to be announced on February 29, 2016. The officials in Ministry of Finance are busy with budgetary consultations. At the outset, it needs to be recognised that the Budget, especially the it needs to be recognised that the Budget, especially the Union Budget, is more than a mere accounting exercise as it lays out a vision of the Government and then on a mission mode, provides a strategy to implement it during the course of that year or next. In fact, to achieve steady growth, fiscal policy of the country is embodied in the Union Budget. Read more at:
Description: Business Insider, 26-02-2016
Appears in Collections:2010-2019

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