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Title: Monitor financial inclusion
Authors: Singh, Charan 
Keywords: Financial management;Financial inclusion
Issue Date: 30-Sep-2014
Publisher: Express Publications (Madurai) Private Limited
Abstract: The new government’s announcement of implementing financial inclusion (FI) in a mission mode along with the big-bang launch of the Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) on August 28 produces a lot more focus on an important poverty alleviation measure. In the first few days of the unveiling of the yojana, according to press reports, nearly 2.8 crore new accounts have been opened and `200 crore mobilised. The target of at least having an account in each household of India by January 26, 2015, implying opening of 5 crore more accounts seems easily achievable now. Read more at:
Description: The New Indian Express, 30-09-2014
Appears in Collections:2010-2019

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