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Mahadevan, B
Vernacular Name
B Mahadevan
B Mahadevan
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B. Mahadevan is a professor of Operations Management at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, where he has been teaching since 1992. Professor Mahadevan has more than 27 years of wide-ranging experience in teaching, research, consulting, and academic administration at IIM Bangalore and other reputed institutions such as IIT Delhi and XLRI, Jamshedpur. He was a visiting scholar at the Amos Tuck School of Business Administration, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, in 1999–2000. He was also a retainer consultant to Deloitte Consulting LLP, USA, in 2001–2002. He was earlier Chief Editor of the IIMB Management Review. Professor Mahadevan’s research interests include researching the possibility of using ancient Indian wisdom to address contemporary concerns, spirituality in the work place, and management paradigms from Bhagavad Gita. In the traditional areas of management, the research interests include design of service systems in customer co-creation of value and order allocation issues in electronic markets. Professor Mahadevan was the founder Vice-chancellor of Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth, a University for applied Sanskrit and Indian Wisdom during 2016 – 2018.
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Results 1-20 of 75 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleSub-TitleAuthor(s)Journal NameVolume NumberIssue NumberPages
12011A framework for assessment of brand loyalty score for commodities-Punniyamoorthy, Murugesan ; Mahadevan, B ; Shetty, Nanda Kishore ; Lakshmi, Ganesan Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for MarketingVol.19Iss.34243-260p.
21994A hybrid modelling approach to the design of an AGV-based material handling system for an FMS-Mahadevan, B ; Narendran, T T International Journal of Production ResearchVol.32Iss.92015-2030p.
32006A procurement model for electronic markets-Hazra, Jishnu ; Mahadevan, B International Journal of Services Technology And ManagementVol.7Iss.5-6475-489p.
42009A procurement model using capacity reservation-Hazra, Jishnu ; Mahadevan, B European Journal of Operational ResearchVol.193Iss.1303-316p.
52012A review of the strategic sourcing literature during 1997 2010: trends and emerging issues for research-Kausik, Uma ; Mahadevan, B South Asian Journal of ManagementVol.19Iss.278-98p.
6Apr-2013A sensible approach to discovering peace of mind-Mahadevan, B Sadguru’s BlessingsVol.10Iss.819-21p.
71997Are Indian companies ready for just-in-Time?-Mahadevan, B IIMB Management ReviewVol.9Iss.2-385-92p.
8Nov-2011Avoid being a victim of situations-Mahadevan, B Sadguru’s BlessingsVol.9Iss.313-13p.
9Jun-2015Axioms of superior knowledge-Mahadevan, B Sadguru’s BlessingsVol.12Iss.10
10Nov-2013Being alert in life-Mahadevan, B Sadguru’s BlessingsVol.11Iss.319-21p.
11Oct-2011Breaking the connection between work and stress-Mahadevan, B Sadguru’s BlessingsVol.9Iss.216-17p.
122004Capacity allocation among multiple suppliers in an electronic market-Hazra, Jishnu ; Mahadevan, B ; Seshadri, Sudhi Production and Operations ManagementVol.13Iss.2161-170p.
132008CLASS: an algorithm for cellular manufacturing system and layout design using sequence data-Mahdavi, Iraj ; Mahadevan, B Robotics and Computer-Integrated ManufacturingVol.24Iss.3488-497p.
142021Configuring and pricing smart coproductive services-Mahadevan, B ; Sivakumar, S European Journal of Operational Research
15Jul-2013Decision making dilemmas in life-Mahadevan, B Sadguru’s BlessingsVol.10Iss.1119-20p.
16Oct-2014Detached attachment: an expression of godliness-Mahadevan, B Sadguru’s BlessingsVol.12Iss.215-17p.
17Sep-2013Developing a steady mind-Mahadevan, B Sadguru’s BlessingsVol.11Iss.120-21p.
18Apr-2012Developing a sustained sommitment-Mahadevan, B Sadguru’s BlessingsVol.9Iss.817-18p.
19Dec-2011Developing the right perspective of life-Mahadevan, B Sadguru’s BlessingsVol.9Iss.414-15p.
20Sep-2014Dharma: The universal principle of equilibrium-Mahadevan, B Sadguru’s BlessingsVol.12Iss.19-12p.