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Title: Cyber warfare: Emerging threats and need to develop offensive warfare strategy to counter the same
Authors: Sapkale, Ajinkya Bhanudas 
Verma, Kapil 
Keywords: Cyber security;Data privacy;Data protection;Cyber warfare;Warfare strategy;Cyberspace;IT infrastructure
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Series/Report no.: PGP_CCS_P15_067
Abstract: We use the term cyberspace and internet interchangeably. When we talk about cyberspace, generally it means the whole combination of internet infrastructure across the world through which all the computers and systems are connected. And all the offline (not connected to internet) devices, servers which are connected to those devices and can be accessed via those devices also constitute as cyberspace. Cyberspace can be described as a complex interdependent network of IT infrastructures that includes computers, internet, networks and communication systems1 .We can look at cyberspace as a worldwide environment that consist of communication devices, software, devices, and people connected through ICT devices and networks. All the information flow through computer networks happens through predefined standard network protocols. We can also define cyberspace as a set of predefined standard network protocols which are adopted by a large number of individual networks to allow the transfer of information among them2 . Internet is used as a medium to transfer information between individuals residing in same city, state or in different countries. Thus we can say Cyberspace is also a medium that can be used to communicate with users in real space in two different jurisdiction2 . Cyberspace is intangible, it has no physical or tangible existence. The only tangible node exposed to us is computers, the rest is beyond that in terms of equipments (interconnected servers and computers) on which it resides, but we cannot term it as unreal as it is a world full of information, information that is real and that can have real consequences after usage. Cyberspace can be explained as the interconnected web of multiple individuals through computers, servers, ICT devices and telecommunication all over the world. Cyberspace is used to store, modify and exchange information or data via interconnected networked systems and the physical infrastructure associated with it3 . With the increasing population and expanding reach of the internet to the remotest corners of the world, the usages and reach of cyberspace are increasing. Cyberspace is an ever-expanding global digital network. With its expanding reach and free flow exchange of information and data over internet, the boundaries of physical world has been collapsed over internet and it has empowered individuals. Free flow and easy availability of information has resulted in increased efficiency, productivity and communications, but it has also created new threats and vulnerabilities for
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