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Title: Bridging the gap between old and new IIMs
Authors: Raghuram, G 
Keywords: Business education;Academic institutions;IIMs
Issue Date: Jul-2018
Publisher: Education World
Abstract: The IIM community comprises 20 IIMs spanning 20 states. IIM-Calcutta came into existence as the first national institute for postgraduate studies and research in business management in 1961, followed by IIM-Ahmedabad the same year. IIM-Bangalore was established in 1973 and IIM Jammu, the last to be added to the community, was founded in 2016. Fourteen of the 20 IIMs were promoted after 2007. It would be harsh to say the new IIMs have not done well, because they are still very young and have a long way to go. The popular perception is that the new IIMs have diluted the IIM brand. I disagree. We need them because there’s so much talent in India that needs to be nurtured. Therefore, from the long-term perspective, we’ve done well to promote new IIMs. The first six IIMs — Calcutta, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Lucknow, Indore, Kozhikode — are now financially independent and don’t receive any government funding on the capital or operating accounts. The new IIMs are funded by the Central government, with land being provided by state governments. This is one reason why the six older IIMs charge high tuition fees: they need to remain financially independent. Read more at:
Description: Education World, July 2018
Appears in Collections:2010-2019

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