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Title: Leadership is self-transformation
Authors: Narayanswamy, Ramnath 
Keywords: Spirituality;Leadership
Issue Date: 20-Apr-2016
Publisher: The Printers Mysore Private Limited
Abstract: In reality, the biggest gift we receive from the Almighty is the gift of pain. If we do not understand its source, we suffer its consequences. But if we learn the right lessons from the experience, the pain goes away. Pain, therefore, occupies the status of a guru. It is in fact, the real guru. It is Nature's way of providing us with self-correction. Leadership is about mastering the fundamentals of the internal and external journey, the inner and the outer and using the head to conquer the heart. It is about self-transformation, self-correction and self-revelation. It is about correcting our defective vision by correcting ourselves. When we are able to accomplish this successfully, we are able to transform the pain of ignorance into the wisdom arising from understanding. Read more at:
Description: Deccan Herald, Bangalore, 20-04-2016
Appears in Collections:2010-2019

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