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Title: The Story of Krishna and Uddhava
Authors: Narayanswamy, Ramnath 
Keywords: Spirituality
Issue Date: 17-Feb-2015
Publisher: The Printers Mysore Private Limited
Abstract: There are beautiful stories about the relationship between Lord Krishna and his devotee, Uddhava, a disciple of Brihaspati, the preceptor of the Gods and son of Devabhanga. The differences between them were sharp and glaring. Uddhava was a scholar and intellectual, while Krishna was a cowherd. The former was brought in a city while Krishna was brought up in a village. Uddhava intuitively knew that Krishna was no ordinary soul while Krishna saw Uddhava as a seeker. Two incidents in their relationship invite attention. In the first instance, Krishna requests Uddhava to go to Vrindavan and contrary to the promise he had made to them, inform the milkmaids that he would never return to Vrindavan. Read more at:
Description: Deccan Herald, Bangalore, 17-03-2015
Appears in Collections:2010-2019

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