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Title: Unfulfilled desire leads to anger
Authors: Narayanswamy, Ramnath 
Keywords: Spirituality
Issue Date: 7-Mar-2013
Publisher: The Printers Mysore Private Limited
Abstract: A Hindu saint, who was visiting the Ganges to take a bath, found the members of a family on the banks shouting at each other. He turned to his disciples, smiled and asked, “Why do people shout in anger at each other?” The disciples thought for a while and one of them said, “Because we lose our cool, we shout. The saint then asked, “But, why should you shout when the other person is just next to you? You can just as well tell him what you have to say in a soft manner.” The disciples gave some other answers, but none that satisfied the other disciples. Finally, the saint explained: “When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot. To cover that distance, they must shout to be able to hear each other. Read more at:
Description: Deccan Herald, Bangalore, 07-03-2013
Appears in Collections:2010-2019

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