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Title: Dealing with Pak Taliban
Authors: Vaidyanathan, R 
Keywords: Terrorism;Civil war;Taliban;Foreign relation;Social science
Issue Date: 20-Jul-2010
Publisher: Diligent Media Corporation Ltd.
Abstract: It is no more a question of if, but when. My assessment is that there will be a Talibanised government in Pakistan within two to three years, after a prolonged civil war. Pakistan is currently a ferocious Doberman held on a leash by the US, and fed with exotic bones. It was meant to bark at and bite the USSR (and India) when the cold war was on, but the US realised recently that the dog has developed rabies and has become ferocious enough to bite the owner and the neighbours. The US has no clue on what to do with its rabid canine. Running away from it is one option. The other is to try its best to force India, the eastern neighbour, to distract it with more bones like joint sovereignty of Jammu & Kashmir. The hope is that the dog will be distracted enough to allow the US to make its getaway from Afghanistan. Whatever the scenario, the net result will be an increasingly Talibanised Pakistan. Read more at:
Description: DNA, 20-07-2010
Appears in Collections:2010-2019

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