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Title: Benefiting from alliances
Authors: Kumar, S Ramesh 
Swaminathan, S 
Keywords: Customer loyalty;Coalition loyalty
Issue Date: 31-Aug-2011
Publisher: THG Publishing Pvt. Ltd.
Abstract: What factors go into the design of a coalition loyalty programme?. As Indian citizens may have got used to coalition governments over a period of time, so can they get used to coalition loyalty, the next level of marketing by marketers. Customer loyalty is an area that has been actively debated and researched by marketers in India. The proliferation of categories and brands along with the changes in consumers' lifestyle are prompting managers to even attempt a few strategies popular in developed markets. Coalition loyalty is one of the concepts that is being attempted in an emerging market such as India, though like any other strategy tried out in developed markets, it needs to be adapted to the Indian context. Read more at:
Description: The Hindu Business Line, 38-08-2011
Appears in Collections:2010-2019

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