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Title: Dover motion precision systems development process
Authors: Tripathy, Anshuman 
Eppinger, Steven D 
Keywords: Design structure matrix;DSM;Global product development;GPD
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: The MIT Press
Abstract: Design structure matrix (DSM) is a straightforward and flexible modeling technique that can be used for designing, developing, and managing complex systems. DSM offers network modeling tools that represent the elements of a system and their interactions, thereby highlighting the system's architecture (or designed structure). Its advantages include compact format, visual nature, intuitive representation, powerful analytical capacity, and flexibility. Used primarily so far in the area of engineering management, DSM is increasingly being applied to complex issues in health care management, financial systems, public policy, natural sciences, and social systems. This book offers a clear and concise explanation of DSM methods for practitioners and researchers.
ISBN: 9780262017527
Appears in Collections:2010-2019 B

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