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Title: Women Directors' Perceptions of their Contributions on Boards: An Exploratory Study from India
Authors: Srinivasan, Vasanthi 
George, Rejie 
Keywords: Women leaders;Women directors;Women entrepreneurs
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Information Age Publishing Inc.
Abstract: More Women on Boards: An International Perspective is the seventh volume in the Women and Leadership: Research, Theory, and Practice book series. The purpose of this volume is to explore the complexity of issues related to increasing the number of women on boards of directors around the world: how these issues have been understood; how they have been more and less successfully addressed in different countries and industries; and how they are similar, and yet different, as a results of cultural and legal differences. In the Introduction and 18 chapters included in this book, 42 researchers, activists, and practitioners who were raised or work today in at least 17 countries on 6 continents seek to answer the questions: “Why have women on boards?” “Why is adding women to boards so challenging?” “What actions increase the number of women on boards?” and “What can we learn from situations where there are women board members?” In seeking to answer these questions, the authors summarize previously existing research and share the results of their own recent qualitative and quantitative research studies conducted in many different countries. Both “fix the woman” and “fix the society” challenges and solutions are explored. Stories of women who have successfully joined and, in many cases, led boards of directors are shared. It is clear to us, and we believe will be clear to those who read this book, that there is no single program that will lead to gender equality on boards; however we believe that the authors in this volume provide a rich variety of research and well supported suggestions for addressing the challenges. When local cultures are considered and multiple suggestions implemented as appropriate, we are confident we will, together, increase the number of women on boards throughout the world.
ISBN: 641134054
Appears in Collections:2010-2019

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