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Title: An optimization model for determining headways for transit routes
Authors: Sinha, Kumares C 
Lingaraj, B P 
Chatterjee, Arun 
Keywords: Optimization Model;Headway Determination;Transit Planning;Optimal Headways;Scheduling;Chance Constrained Programming
Issue Date: 1976
Publisher: Taylor and Francis
Abstract: The paper presents a technique for determining headways for transit routes, which is the first task in the overall scheduling procedure. Based on an optimization approach, a chance constrained programming model is developed. The scope of using vehicles of different sizes and operating costs is built into the model, which attempts to minimize the total operating cost. The uncertainty associated with demand forecasts is expressed as a chance constraint that specifies the desired level of reliability with respect to the satisfaction of demand. The model also includes a constraint related to the management policy regarding the minimum service to be provided on a transit route. The deterministic equivalent of the model is solved by linear programming and its application is demonstrated with an example problem.
ISSN: 0308-1060
DOI: 10.1080/03081067608717095
Appears in Collections:1974-1979

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