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Singh, Ramadhar
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Ramadhar Singh
Ramadhar Singh
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Results 1-12 of 12 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleSub-TitleAuthor(s)Journal NameVolume NumberIssue NumberPages
12013Age-moderated effects of consequence and intent information on punishment: an intuitive prosecutorial interpretation-Singh, Ramadhar ; Ramasamy, Ming Antoinette ; Self, William T ; Simons, Joseph J P ; Lin, Patrick K F Journal of Genetic PsychologyVol.174Iss.11-24p.
22012Association, culture, and collective imprisonment: tests of a two-route causal-moral model-Singh, Ramadhar ; Simons, Joseph J P ; Self, William T ; Tetlock, Philip E ; Zemba, Yuriko ; Yamaguchi, Susumu ; Osborn, Chandra Y ; Fisher, Jeffrey D ; May, James ; Kaur, Susheel Basic and Applied Social PsychologyVol.34Iss.3269-277p.
32010Attitudes and attraction: optimism and weight as explanations for the similarity–dissimilarity asymmetry-Singh, Ramadhar ; Simons, Joseph J P Social Personality Psychology CompassVol.4Iss.121206-1219p.
42014Crime against woman and punishment goals: social order and country moderate public protest effect-Singh, Ramadhar ; Bell, Paul A ; Sinha, Ran Bijay Narayan ; Singh, Sweta ; Sankaran, Krithiga IIMB Management ReviewVol.26Iss.282-90p.
52012From wrongdoing to imprisonment: test of a causal-moral model-Singh, Ramadhar ; Simons, Joseph J P ; Self, William T ; Tetlock, Philip E ; Bell, Paul A ; May, James ; Crisp, Richard J ; Kaur, Susheel ; Benfield, Jacob A ; Sziemko, William J IIMB Management ReviewVol.24Iss.273-78p.
62016Obituary: kwok leung-Singh, Ramadhar Asian Journal of Social PsychologyVol.19Iss.288-89p.
72015On the importance of trust in interpersonal attraction from attitude similarity-Singh, Ramadhar ; Wegener, Duane T ; Sankaran, Krithiga ; Singh, Smita ; Lin, Patrick K F ; Seow, Mellissa Xuemei ; Teng, Jocelyn Shu Qing ; Shuli, Sudderuddin Journal of Social and Personal RelationshipsVol.32Iss.6829-850p.
82011Reacting to headline news: Circumstances leading to causal explanations versus implicational concerns-Singh, Ramadhar ; Kaur, Susheel ; Junid, Fazlinda B ; Self, William T International Journal of PsychologyVol.46Iss.163-70p.
92011Severity effect on compensation and imprisonment recommendations: deterrence as a mediator in Singapore-Singh, Ramadhar ; Lin, Xiangbin Asian Journal of Social PsychologyVol.14Iss.136-49p.
102010The punitiveness paradox: When is external pressure exculpatory – and when a signal just to spread blame?-Tetlock, Philip E ; Self, William T ; Singh, Ramadhar Journal of Experimental Social PsychologyVol.46Iss.2388-395p.
112011The severity effect on the compensation and imprisonment recommendations: deterrence as a mediator in Singapore-Singh, Ramadhar ; Lin, X Asian Journal of Social PsychologyVol.14Iss.136-49p.
122014The similarity-attraction link: sequential versus parallel multiple-mediator models involving inferred attraction, respect, and positive affect-Singh, Ramadhar ; Chen, Fuwei ; Wegener, Duane T Basic and Applied Social PsychologyVol.36Iss.4281-298p.