Murthy, Ramya K

Full Name
Murthy, Ramya K
Vernacular Name
Ramya K Murthy
R K Murthy
Murthy, R K
Murthy, R K
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Ramya K Murthy is an Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurship and IIMB Young Faculty Research Chair. Her research interests are at the intersection of entrepreneurship, strategic management, and digital technologies. She studies value co-creation in digital platform ecosystems with a focus on platform-dependent entrepreneurs. Ramya has presented her research at international conferences such as Academy of Management Annual Meetings, Strategic Management Society Conferences, and Strategy Science Conferences. Two papers based on her dissertation were finalists for best paper prizes at the SMS Annual Conference 2020. Prior to pursuing her doctoral studies, Ramya spent a decade in the software industry working in various technology and management roles. Her professional experience continues to inform her research and teaching. Ramya taught Strategic Management at Schulich School of Business, York University.

Date issued
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Issue Date | Title | Sub-Title | Author(s) | Journal Name | Volume Number | Issue Number | Pages | |
1 | 2021 | Overcoming the early-stage conundrum of digital platform ecosystem emergence: A problem-solving perspective | - | Murthy, Ramya K ; Madhok, Anoop | Journal of Management Studies | Vol.58 | Iss.7 | 1899-1932p. |