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Ranganathan, V
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V Ranganathan
V Ranganathan
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Results 1-20 of 27 (Search time: 0.026 seconds).

Issue DateTitleSub-TitleAuthor(s)Journal NameVolume NumberIssue NumberPages
11987An investment planning model for optimum allocation of natural gas: a programming approach-Ranganathan, V ; Ramanathan, R IIMB Management ReviewVol.2Iss.2127-141p.
22005Challenges in reform of the Indian postal services-Ranganathan, V Economic and political weeklyVol.40Iss.384121-4125p.
32008Climate change and options for India-Ranganathan, V International Journal of Business Research (IJBR)Vol.8Iss.2240-246p.
41997Credit Rating state electricity boards-Ranganathan, V ; Naik, Manoj S IIMB Management ReviewVol.9Iss.129-36p.
51-Feb-2012Curious Case of 3G Roaming-Ranganathan, V The Economic Times
62006Determination of public utilities performance-Sanjay, Gutpa ; Ranganathan, V ; Prasad, Lakshmanan Vilakshan - XIMB Journal of ManagementVol.3Iss.1
72005Determining T&D losses in India: Their impact on distribution privatisation and regulation-Ranganathan, V Economic and political weeklyVol.40Iss.7657-668p.
81997Diagnoses: competition is the key-Ranganathan, V VikalpaVol.22Iss.463-67p.
91999Diagnoses: Product market risk is as important as credit risk-Ranganathan, V VikalpaVol.24Iss.169-70p.
102004Electricity Act 2003: Moving to a competitive environment-Ranganathan, V Economic and political weeklyVol.39Iss.202001-2005p.
111996Electricity privatization revisited: A commentary on the case for new initiatives in India-Ranganathan, V Energy PolicyVol.24Iss.9821-825p.
122006Electricity sector reforms in transitional economic with specific reference to Latin America and India-Ranganathan, V International Journal of Business Research (IJBR) Vol.5Iss.2
132006Eminent Domain or Eminent Thievery?-Ranganathan, V Economic and Political WeeklyVol.41Iss.262697-2700p.
142004Farmers' willingness to pay for power in India: conceptual issues, survey results and implications for pricing-Dossani, Rafiq ; Ranganathan, V Energy EconomicsVol.26Iss.3359-369p.
151995Feast and famine. The case of Zambia's power sector-Ranganathan, V ; Mbewe, Abel C Energy PolicyVol.23Iss.121093-1096p.
162011Global carbon emissions, approaches of India and China-Ranganathan, V European Journal of ManagementVol.11Iss.41-6p.
171997Hydropower and environment in India-Ranganathan, V Energy PolicyVol.25Iss.4435-438p.
181995Issues in energy subsidies for irrigation pumping - comment-Ranganathan, V Energy PolicyVol.23Iss.111-12p.
191995Objective Trade-off between economic benefits and environmental issues necessary-Ranganathan, V VikalpaVol.20Iss.466-67p.
202004Power sector reforms in India-Ranganathan, V ; Rao, D Narasimha IIMB Management ReviewVol.16Iss.157-60p.