Ekkirala, Srinivas

Full Name
Ekkirala, Srinivas
Vernacular Name
E S Srinivas
E S Srinivas
Srinivas Ekkirala
Srinivas Ekkirala
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Ekkirala Srinivas is working as a Professor in the Organizational Behavior and HRM Area, at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore. Prior to joining IIMB, he worked as a Professor at XLRI Jamshedpur for more than two decades. He was Faculty at the Indian School of Business (ISB) on a full-time basis for 3 years and continues as visiting faculty. He designed and delivered executive education programs for over 50 leading organizations in India and outside India. He has been a Member of the Aon Hewitt Think-Tank for HR and Leadership from 2012. He was identified as one of the most productive researchers from Indian B-schools (during 1990-2009) in a study by London Business School (LBS) and reported by Economic Times. His research papers were published in top academic journals and presented at international conferences. He guided several doctoral students and is a member of Editorial Boards of respected Journals. His research interests are in Leadership, Mindfulness, Happiness, Employee Proactive Behaviors, Work Life Balance, Indian Psychology, and Positive Psychology.

Date issued
Results 1-7 of 7 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Sub-Title | Author(s) | Journal Name | Volume Number | Issue Number | Pages | |
1 | 2022 | A multi-level model of I-deals in workgroups: Employee and coworker perceptions of leader fairness, I-deals and group performance | - | Anand, Smriti ; Meuser, Jeremy D ; Vidyarthi, Prajya R ; Liden, Robert C ; Rousseau, Denise M ; Ekkirala, Srinivas | Journal of Management Studies | Vol.59 | Iss.2 | 489-517p. |
2 | 2022 | Damned if she does, damned if she doesn't: The interactive effects of gender and agreeableness on performance evaluation | - | Nandkeolyar, Amit K. ; Bagger, Jessica ; Ekkirala, Srinivas | Journal of Business Research | Vol.143 | 62-71p. | |
3 | 2022 | How and when managers reward employees’ voice: The role of proactivity attributions | - | Park, Hyunsun ; Tangirala, Subrahmaniam ; Hussain, Insiya ; Ekkirala, Srinivas | Journal of Applied Psychology | Vol.107 | Iss.12 | 2269–2284p. |
4 | 2021 | How employees learn to speak up from their leaders: gender congruity effects in the development of voice self-efficacy | - | Ekkirala, Srinivas ; Yan, Tom Taiyi ; Tangirala, Subrahmaniam ; Vadera, Abhijeet K | Journal of Applied Psychology | |||
5 | 2022 | How strategic silence enables employee voice to be valued and rewarded | - | Parke, Michael R. ; Tangirala, Subrahmaniam ; Sanaria, Apurva ; Ekkirala, Srinivas | Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes | Vol.173 | AN:104187 | |
6 | 2023 | Team Ties, Embeddedness, and Turnover Intentions: Integrating Social Networks and Field Theory | - | Sahoo, Madhu B. ; Janardhanan, Niranjan S. ; Ekkirala, Srinivas | Small Group Research | |||
7 | 2019 | The voice bystander effect: how information redundancy inhibits employee voice | - | Hussain, Insiya ; Shu, Rui ; Tangirala, Subrahmaniam ; Ekkirala, Srinivas | Academy of Management Journal | Vol.62 | Iss.3 | 828-849p. |