Kale, Jayant Raghunath

Full Name
Kale, Jayant Raghunath
Vernacular Name
Jayant Raghunath Kale
Jayant Raghunath Kale
Kale, Jayant R
Kale, Jayant R
Main Affiliation
Scopus Author ID

Date issued
Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Sub-Title | Author(s) | Journal Name | Volume Number | Issue Number | Pages | |
1 | 2013 | Contracting with nonfinancial stakeholders and corporate capital structure: the case of product warranties | - | Kale, Jayant Raghunath ; Meneghetti, Costanza Meneghetti ; Shahrur, Husayn | Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis | Vol.48 | Iss.3 | 699-727p. |
2 | 2012 | Indian mutual fund industry: opportunities and challenges | - | Kale, Jayant Raghunath ; Panchapagesan, Venkatesh | IIMB Management Review | Vol.24 | Iss.4 | 245-258p. |
3 | 2014 | Pay inequalities and managerial turnover | - | Kale, Jayant Raghunath | Journal of Empirical Finance | Vol.27 | 21-39p. | |
4 | 2013 | Product market linkages, manager quality, and mutual fund performance | - | Huang, Lixin ; Kale, Jayant Raghunath | Review of Finance | Vol.17 | Iss.6 | 1895-1946p. |
5 | 2012 | The dividend initiation decision of newly public firms: some evidence on signaling with dividends | - | Kale, Jayant Raghunath ; Kini, Omesh ; Payne, Janet D | Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis | Vol.47 | Iss.2 | 365-396p. |