Das, Gopal

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Das, Gopal
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Gopal Das
Gopal Das
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Gopal’s research interests include consumer emotion, motivation, scarcity, information processing and retailing. He teaches courses on consumer behaviour, marketing research, and experimental design. He has over 11 years of teaching and research experience. He was a Visiting Scholar of HKUST Business School, Hong Kong. He has guided few Ph.D/FPM scholars. Gopal teaches courses on consumer behaviour, marketing research, and experimental design.

Results 1-20 of 25 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Sub-Title | Author(s) | Journal Name | Volume Number | Issue Number | Pages | |
1 | 2019 | Does brand experience translate into brand commitment?: a mediated-moderation model of brand passion and perceived brand ethicality | - | Das, Gopal ; Agarwal, James ; Malhotra, Naresh K ; Varshneya, Geetika | Journal of Business Research | Vol.95 | 479-490p. | |
2 | 2023 | Donor happiness comes from afar: The role of donation beneficiary social distance and benevolence | - | Das, Gopal | International Journal of Research in Marketing | Vol.40 | Iss.4 | 865-880p. |
3 | 2023 | Gifting digital versus physical gift cards: How and why givers and recipients have different preferences for a gift card's mode of delivery | - | Reshadi, Farnoush ; Givi, Julian ; Das, Gopal | Psychology and Marketing | 1-9p. | ||
4 | 2023 | Givers eschew gifts that are inferior to their own: How social norms, regulatory focus, and concerns about offending lead givers astray | - | Givi, Julian ; Das, Gopal | Journal of Consumer Psychology | Vol.33 | Iss.2 | 363-376p. |
5 | 2023 | Guest editorial: Favoring fieldwork makes marketing more meaningful | - | Otterbring, Tobias ; Viglia, Giampaolo ; Grazzin, Laura ; Das, Gopal | European Journal of Marketing | Vol.57 | Iss.7 | 1793-1803p. |
6 | 2019 | How self-construal guides preference for partitioned versus combined pricing | - | Das, Gopal ; Roy, Rajat | Journal of Business Research | Vol.101 | 152-160p. | |
7 | 2022 | Improving base-of-the-pyramid consumer welfare through mobile technology services | - | Pandey, Devansh ; Mukherjee, Srabanti ; Das, Gopal ; Zhang, Jonathan Z | Journal of Services Marketing | Vol.36 | Iss.2 | 232-244p. |
8 | 2024 | Metaverse for service industries: Future applications, opportunities, challenges and research directions | - | Jung, Timothy ; Cho, Justin ; Han, Dai-In Danny ; Ahn, Sun Joo ; Gupta, Mansi ; Das, Gopal ; Heo, Cindy Yoonjoung ; Loureiro, Sandra Maria Correia ; Sigala, Marianna ; Trunfio, Mariapina ; Taylor, Alexandra ; Tom Dieck, M Claudia | Computers in Human Behavior | Vol.151 | AN:108039 | |
9 | 2022 | Online group buying behavior: A study of experiential versus material purchases | - | Agarwal, James ; Das, Gopal ; Spence, Mark T. | Psychology and Marketing | Vol.39 | Iss.10 | 1946-1963p. |
10 | 2021 | Pandemics and marketing: Insights, impacts, and research opportunities | - | Das, Gopal ; Jain, Shailendra Pratap ; Maheswaran, Durairaj ; Slotegraaf, Rebecca J ; Srinivasan, Raji | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | Vol.49 | 835-854p. | |
11 | 2023 | Preference for partner or servant brand roles depends on consumers’ power distance belief | - | Van Esch, Patrick ; Cui, Yuanyuan ; Sledge, April ; Das, Gopal ; Pala, Erol | Journal of Business Research | Vol.162 | AN:113896 | |
12 | 2021 | Retailing and emergent technologies | - | Grewal, Dhruv ; Gauri, Dinesh Kumar ; Das, Gopal ; Agarwal, James ; Spence, Mark T | Journal of Business Research | Vol.134 | 198-202p. | |
13 | 2021 | Social selling cues: The dynamics of posting numbers viewed and bought on customers' purchase intentions | - | Das, Gopal ; Spence, Mark T ; Agarwal, James | International Journal of Research in Marketing | Vol.38 | Iss.4 | 994-1016p. |
14 | 2022 | Surge price precision and political ideology | - | Cui, Yuanyuan(57211982376) ; van Esch, Patrick ; Das, Gopal ; Jain, Shailendra | Journal of Business Research | Vol.143 | 214-224p. | |
15 | 2021 | The effect of financial scarcity on discretionary spending, borrowing, and investing | - | Sarial-Abi, Gülen ; Ulqinaku, Aulona ; Viglia, Giampaolo ; Das, Gopal | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | |||
16 | 2023 | The impact of scarcity cues on purchase likelihood of art-infused products | - | Gupta, Mansi ; Das, Gopal ; Septianto, Felix ; Hagtvedt, Henrik | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | |||
17 | 2020 | The mitigating effect of matching regulatory focus with arousalinducing stimuli in service failure situations | - | Das, Gopal ; Roy, Rajat ; Spence, Mark T | Psychology and Marketing | Vol.37 | Iss.10 | 1420-1432p. |
18 | 2022 | The role of contextual factors in increasing Pay-What-You-Want payments: Evidence from field experiments | - | Roy, Rajat ; Das, Gopal | Journal of Business Research | Vol.139 | 1540-1552p. | |
19 | 2023 | The ubiquity of scarcity | - | Belk, Russell W. ; Das, Gopal ; Jain, Shailendra Pratap | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | Vol.51 | Iss.6 | 1191-1196p. |
20 | 2022 | To earmark or not to earmark when gift-giving: Gift-givers' and gift-recipients' diverging preferences for earmarked cash gifts | - | Givi, Julian ; Das, Gopal | Psychology and Marketing | Vol.39 | Iss.2 | 420-428p. |