Srinivasan, R

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Srinivasan, R
Vernacular Name
R Srinivasan
R Srinivasan
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Srinivasan received his doctoral degree (Fellow Programme in Management) from the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad. He worked for about eight years at IIM Lucknow before joining IIM Bangalore. He teaches competitive strategy, corporate strategy, mergers & acquisitions, and strategies for platform-mediated networks at the post-graduate level; strategy classics and strategy process research at the doctoral level. He has designed and coordinated executive education programmes on strategy for senior managers. He has conducted customized workshops on visioning, strategizing and strategic planning, and strategic performance management for various multinational, government, public and private organizations. His areas of research include strategies of multi-sided platform organizations, strategy processes in rapid growth organizations, and competitive, corporate and international strategies. Srinivasan has co-authored a textbook on strategic management and a research-based book on knowledge management in the Indian context. He has published papers and cases in several international and national journals. He has authored a number of cases on Indian organizations on platform business models, rapid growth, strategy, and knowledge management.

Results 1-20 of 20 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Sub-Title | Author(s) | Journal Name | Volume Number | Issue Number | Pages | |
1 | 2011 | Cavinkare private limited (A): the entrepreneurial innovation | - | Srinivasan, R | Asian Journal of Management Cases | Vol.8 | Iss.1 | 29-40p. |
2 | 2011 | Cavinkare private limited (B): vision and strategy | - | Srinivasan, R | Asian Journal of Management Cases | Vol.8 | Iss.1 | 41-60p. |
3 | 2004 | Cricket and the capital market: Winning does not matter but losing hurts | - | Srinivasan, R | Asian Review of Accounting | Vol.12 | Iss.2 | 94-107p. |
4 | 2009 | Do corporate annual reports communicate corporate strategy? | - | Srinivasan, R | Metamorphosis: A Journal of Management Research | Vol.8 | Iss.1 | 62-79p. |
5 | 2017 | Future ready leadership competencies | - | Srinivasan, Vasanthi ; Srinivasan, R ; Jain, Ankur | NHRD Network Journal | Vol.10 | Iss.4 | 23-29p. |
6 | 2009 | Idea cellular’s acquisition of spice telecom | - | Srinivasan, R | Asian Journal of Management Cases | Vol.6 | Iss.2 | 93p. + |
7 | 2012 | Managing growth: human resource management challenges facing the Indian software industry | - | Agrawal, Narendra M ; Khatri, Naresh ; Srinivasan, R | Journal of World Business | Vol.47 | Iss.2 | 159-166p. |
8 | 2003 | Member-funds and cooperative performance | - | Agrawal, Rajesh ; Raju, K V ; Reddy, K Prathap ; Srinivasan, R ; Sriram, M S | Journal of rural development | Vol.22 | Iss.1 | 1-20p. |
9 | 2003 | Microfinance: An Introduction | - | Srinivasan, R ; Sriram, M S | IIMB Management Review | Vol.15 | Iss.2 | 52-53p. |
10 | 2019 | Multi-sided platforms | - | Abdelkafi, Nizar ; Raasch, Christina ; Roth, Angela ; Srinivasan, R | Electronic Markets | Vol.29 | Iss.4 | 553-559p. |
11 | 2017 | Organising the unorganised: role of platform intermediaries in the Indian real estate market | - | Srinivasan, R | IIMB Management Review | Vol.29 | Iss.1 | 58-68p. |
12 | 2003 | Residual claims in cooperatives design issues | - | Srinivasan, R ; Phansalkar, S J | The Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics | Vol.74 | Iss.3 | 365-395p. |
13 | 2003 | Self-help groups as financial institutions: Policy implications using a financial model | - | Srinivasan, R | Journal of Microfinance | Vol.5 | Iss.1 | 1-14p. |
14 | 2007 | Six sigma implementation at Bharti infotel: Introduction to Bharti Airtel Limited | - | Shukla, Archana ; Srinivasan, R | Asian Case Research Journal | Vol.11 | Iss.2 | 367-384p. |
15 | 2013 | Suprajit engineering limited | - | Srinivasan, R | Asian Journal of Management Cases | Vol.10 | Iss.1 | 77-95p. |
16 | 2011 | The cost of risky debt in cooperatives | - | Srinivasan, R | Journal of Cooperatives | Vol.25 | 1-15p. | |
17 | 2002 | The Impact of technical performance and debt maturity on Independent power project viability | - | Srinivasan, R | The Journal of Structured and Project Finance | Vol.8 | Iss.1 | 35-39p. |
18 | 2014 | The management consulting industry: growth of consulting services in India; panel discussion | - | Srinivasan, R | IIMB Management Review | Vol.26 | Iss.4 | 257-270p. |
19 | 2014 | Visioning: the method and process | - | Srinivasan, R | OD Practitioner | Vol.46 | Iss.1 | 34-41p. |
20 | 2007 | Why do firms merge/acquire: an analysis of strategic intent in recent M&A activity among Indian firms | - | Srinivasan, R ; Mishra, Bibek Prasad | IIMB Management Review | Vol.19 | Iss.4 | 388-402p. |