Bhatia, Jagdish C

Full Name
Bhatia, Jagdish C
Vernacular Name
Jagdish C Bhatia
Jagdish C Bhatia
J C Bhatia
Bhatia, J C
J C Bhatia
Bhatia, J C
Main Affiliation
Scopus Author ID

Date issued
Results 1-7 of 7 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Sub-Title | Author(s) | Journal Name | Volume Number | Issue Number | Pages | |
1 | 2004 | Health care of female outpatients in South-Central India: comparing public and private sector provision | - | Bhatia, Jagdish C ; Cleland, John | Health Policy And Planning | Vol.19 | Iss.6 | 402-409p. |
2 | 1993 | Levels and causes of maternal mortality in Southern India | - | Bhatia, Jagdish C ; Cleland, John | Studies In Family Planning | Vol.24 | Iss.5 | 310-318p. |
3 | 1997 | Levels and determinants of gynecological morbidity in a district of South India | - | Bhatia, Jagdish C ; Cleland, John ; Bhagavan, Leela ; Rao, N S N | Studies in Family Planning | Vol.28 | Iss.2 | 95-103p. |
4 | 2000 | Methodological issues in community-based studies of gynecological morbidity | - | Bhatia, Jagdish C ; Cleland, John | Studies in Family Planning | Vol.31 | Iss.4 | 267-273p. |
5 | 2004 | Mothers’ perceptions and attitudes towards maternal morbidity in rural West Bengal: findings from focus group discussions | - | Mukhopadhyay, Susmita ; Ray, Subha ; Bhatia, Jagdish C | Indian Journal of Gender Studies | Vol.11 | Iss.3 | 369-387p. |
6 | 1996 | Obstetric morbidity in South India: Results from a community survey | - | Bhatia, Jagdish C ; Cleland, John | Social Science and Medicine | Vol.43 | Iss.10 | 1507-1516p. |
7 | 1995 | Self-reported symptoms of gynecological morbidity and their treatment in South-India | - | Bhatia, Jagdish C ; Cleland, John | Studies In Family Planning | Vol.26 | Iss.4 | 203-216p. |