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Full Name
Kamath, Rajalaxmi  
Vernacular Name
Rajalaxmi Kamath
Rajalaxmi Kamath
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Since 2007, Professor Kamath has been working extensively among urban poor households in two areas of Ramanagaram town, Karnataka, with the intention of understanding their financial lives. From 2007 to 2009, her team had undertaken a project called ‘Ramanagaram Financial Diaries’ where they were able to collect detailed, daily cash-inflows and outflows of around 90 poor households (most of whom were microfinance borrowers). This in-depth, action-oriented long study with detailed interaction with participants has honed the team’s understanding of several issues surrounding microfinance and urban poor livelihoods. From 2010 onwards, Professor Kamath and team initiated an action-research livelihoods project among some of their research participants with the intention of training, branding and marketing hand-embroidered fashion accessories called Minchu Mahila Kaigarika Sangha (Minchu Women’s Hand-Embroidery Self Help Group). Professor Kamath has had teaching stints both in the US and at the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR), Mumbai. Prior to joining academics, she was with the Indian Revenue Services. Her current research is in the areas of financial inclusion and public policy documentation of the participants of the PGPPM.
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Results 1-16 of 16 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleSub-TitleAuthor(s)Journal NameVolume NumberIssue NumberPages
12010Accessing institutional finance: a demand side story for rural India-Kamath, Rajalaxmi ; Mukherji, Arnab ; Sandstrm, Maria Economic and Political WeeklyVol.45Iss.3756-61p.
22015Financial inclusion: policies and practices-Arun, Thankom ; Kamath, Rajalaxmi IIMB Management ReviewVol.27Iss.4267-287p.
32015Informal businesses and micro-credit - evidence from financial diaries: a study in ramanagaram, India-Kamath, Rajalaxmi ; Ramanathan, Smita IIMB Management ReviewVol.27Iss.3149-158p.
42019Microfinance group processes and crises: responses to economic and psychological threats-Dube, Anjana ; Kamath, Rajalaxmi Journal of Development StudiesVol.55Iss.102273-2285p.
52010National rural employment guarantee act: an effective safety net?-Kamath, Rajalaxmi IIMB Management ReviewVol.22Iss.1242-55p.
618-Oct-2017Of Chanakya's spies, Bentham's Panopticon, China and India-Kamath, Rajalaxmi Forbes India
711-Jan-2019On Zingales' crony capitalists-Kamath, Rajalaxmi Forbes India
82016Poverty knowledge and action research: lessons from the ramanagaram financial diaries-Kamath, Rajalaxmi ; Ramanathan, Smita Action ResearchVol.14Iss.4435-450p.
92006Public inputs and the credit market-Kamath, Rajalaxmi International Tax and Public FinanceVol.13Iss.6733-753p.
102010Ramanagaram financial diaries: cash patterns and repayments of microfinance borrowers-Kamath, Rajalaxmi ; Mukherji, Arnab ; Ramanathan, Smita Enterprise Development and MicrofinanceVol.21Iss.2101-117p.
112016The burden of microfinance debt: lessons from the ramanagaram financial diaries-Dattasharma, Abhi ; Kamath, Rajalaxmi ; Ramanathan, Smita Development and ChangeVol.47Iss.1130-156p.
122020The engineer … no longer a person but a number on an excel sheet: enterprise resource planning and commoditisation of labour-Kamath, Rajalaxmi ; Sarkar, Eureka Global Labour JournalVol.11Iss.2103-117p.
132023The tax state and the conundrums of public budgeting-Kamath, Rajalaxmi Economic and Political WeeklyVol.58Vol.5021-25p.
142017Women and household cash management: evidence from financial diaries in India-Kamath, Rajalaxmi ; Dattasharma, Abhi European Journal of Development ResearchVol.29Iss.173-92p.
152017Women tea plantation workers strike in Munnar, Kerala: lessons for trade unions in contemporary India-Kamath, Rajalaxmi ; Ramanathan, Smita Critical Asian StudiesVol.49Iss.2244-256p.
162023Work systems in the Indian Information Technology (IT) industry delivering Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions and the challenges of work from home-Venumuddala, Vinay Reddy ; Kamath, Rajalaxmi Information Systems FrontiersVol.25Iss.41375-1399p.