Browsing by Author Swaminathan, Hema

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Showing results 8 to 27 of 87 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleSub-TitleAuthor(s)Journal NameVolume NumberIssue NumberPages
2022Contextualizing individual-level asset data collection: Evidence from household surveys-Joshi, Kaushal ; Martinez, Arturo M ; Addawe, Mildred ; Soco, Christian Flora Mae ; Swaminathan, Hema The Journal of Development StudiesVol.58Iss.61259-1279p.
2018Do men and women estimate property values differently?-Doss, Cheryl R ; Catanzarite, Zachary ; Baah-Boateng, William ; Swaminathan, Hema ; Diana Deere, Carmen ; Boake-Yiadom, Louis ; Suchitra, J Y World DevelopmentVol.10775-86p.
2012Does intrahousehold asset distribution determine cooking fuel choice?: Evidence from Karnataka, India-Prodyumna, Goutam ; Swaminathan, Hema 
2009Does living in slums increase the risk of malnutrition?-Swaminathan, Hema ; Mukherji, Arnab 
2016Drivers of attitudes to spousal violence: evidence from India-Swaminathan, Hema ; Mukherji, Arnab 
2010Economic development and malnutrition in India-Mukherji, Arnab ; Rajaraman, Divya ; Swaminathan, Hema 
2013Economic Development and Women's Labor Force Participation in India-Lahoti, Rahul ; Swaminathan, Hema 
2016Economic development and women's labor force participation in India-Lahoti, Rahul ; Swaminathan, Hema Feminist EconomicsVol.22Iss.2168-195p.
2010Economic development, inequality and malnutrition in India-Mukherji, Arnab ; Rajaraman, Divya ; Swaminathan, Hema 36p.
2013Economic growth and female labour force participation in India-Lahoti, Rahul ; Swaminathan, Hema 42p.
Jul-2017Effect of GST on the logistics sector-Swaminathan, Hema Cargo Connect
2012Food security and climate change: A report by the high level panel of experts on food security and nutrition-Nelson, Gerald ; Cai, Zucong ; Hassan, Rashid ; Godfray, Charles ; Santos, Maureen ; Swaminathan, Hema 102p.
2012Gender asset and wealth gaps: evidence from Karnataka-Swaminathan, Hema ; Lahoti, Rahul ; Suchitra, J Y Economic and Political WeeklyVol.47Iss.3559-67p.
2010Gender asset gap: Evidence from urban Karnataka-Swaminathan, Hema ; Lahoti, Rahul ; Suchitra, J Y 
2017Gender inequalities with respect to property rights-Swaminathan, Hema 
2016Gender relations within households: Evidence from India-Swaminathan, Hema ; Vijay, Ramya 
2019Gendered paths to asset accumulation? markets, savings, and credit in developing countries-Doss, Cheryl R ; Deere, Carmen Diana ; Swaminathan, Hema ; Oduro, Abena D ; Catanzarite, Zachary ; Suchitra, J Y Feminist EconomicsVol.25Iss.236-66p.
2015Gendered understanding of middle class: Evidence from India-Vijaya, Ramya ; Swaminathan, Hema 
15-Jun-2015Getting a fix on wealth inequality-Swaminathan, Hema The Hindu Business Line
2021Global trends in intra-household gender inequality-Malghan, Deepak ; Swaminathan, Hema Journal of Economic Behavior and OrganizationVol.189515-546p.