Patvardhan, Shubha Divakar

Full Name
Patvardhan, Shubha Divakar
Vernacular Name
Shubha Patvardhan
Shubha Divakar Patvardhan
Patvardhan, Shubha D
Patvardhan, SD
Patvardhan, Shubha D
Patvardhan, SD
Main Affiliation
Personal Site
Scopus Author ID
Researcher ID
Shubha’s research interests are in the domains of strategy-making and managerial and organizational cognition (identity, image, sensemaking, and future-oriented thought and action). Her most recent work explores the strategy-making processes involved in firms that not only seek to engage with the future, but also to actively try to shape it. Her research has been published in leading outlets such as the Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Academy of Management Annals, and Research in Organizational Behavior. She has also authored a series of case studies and teaching notes on firms in the creative sector.