Chanda, Rupa

Full Name
Chanda, Rupa
Vernacular Name
Rupa Chanda
Rupa Chanda
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Rupa Chanda is a Professor of Economics at IIM Bangalore since 1997. Prior to joining IIMB, she was an economist at the International Monetary Fund in Washington, DC. She briefly served as the Head, UNESCAP Sub-regional Office for South and South-West Asia in New Delhi, while on leave from IIMB.

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Sub-Title | Author(s) | Journal Name | Volume Number | Issue Number | Pages | |
1 | 2017 | Differential effects of trade openness on Indian manufacturing firms | - | Mukherjee, Subhadip ; Chanda, Rupa | Economic Modelling | Vol.61 | 273-292p. | |
2 | 2019 | Trade liberalization and Indian manufacturing MSMEs: Role of firm characteristics and channel of liberalization | - | Mukherjee, Subhadip ; Chanda, Rupa | European Journal of Development Research | Vol.31 | Iss.4 | 984-1062p. |