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Full Name
Pareek, Bhuvanesh
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Bhuvanesh Pareek
Pareek, Bhuvanesh
Pareek, B
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Bhuvanesh Pareek is an Assistant Professor in the Decision Sciences Area, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, India. He specializes in Causal Inferences, Machine Learning, Bayesian Statistics, Data Analytics, and Consumer Choice Modelling. Formerly he was a Teaching and Visiting Scholar at The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and Assistant professor at IIM Indore. Having earlier worked with Citibank’s global decision management division, his foray into academia has seen his work featured in journals like Journal of the American Statistical Association and the Journal of Royal Statistical Society.
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Results 1-8 of 8 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleSub-TitleAuthor(s)Journal NameVolume NumberIssue NumberPages
12022A semi-parametric Bayesian dynamic hurdle model with an application to the health and retirement study-Das, Kiranmoy ; Pareek, Bhuvanesh ; Brown, Sarah ; Ghosh, Pulak Computational StatisticsVol.37Iss.2837-863p.
22019Ask your doctor whether this product is right for you: a bayesian joint model for patient drug requests and physician prescriptions-Pareek, Bhuvanesh ; Liu, Qiang ; Ghosh, Pulak Journal of The Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in SocietyVol.182Iss.1197-223p.
32015Discussion on 'joint modeling of survival and longitudinal non-survival data' by gould et al.-Farcomeni, Alessio ; Pareek, Bhuvanesh ; Ghosh, Pulak Statistics in MedicineVol.34Iss.142198-2199p.
413-Sep-2018Do team Modi's note ban claims stand the test of data? See for yourself-Agarwal, Sumit ; Basu, Debarati ; Ghosh, Pulak ; Pareek, Bhuvanesh ; Zhang, Jian The Economic Times
52021Government policy, strategic consumer behavior, and spillovers to retailers: The case of demonetization in India-Kim, Yewon ; Chintagunta, Pradeep K ; Pareek, Bhuvanesh Marketing ScienceVol.41Iss.61118-1144p.
62021Saving behaviour and health: A high-dimensional Bayesian analysis of British panel data-Brown, Sarah ; Ghosh, Pulak ; Gray, Daniel ; Pareek, Bhuvanesh ; Roberts, Jennifer European Journal Of FinanceVol.27Iss.161581-1603p.
72021The protective role of saving: Bayesian analysis of British panel data-Brown, Sarah ; Ghosh, Pulak ; Pareek, Bhuvanesh ; Taylor, Karl Journal of Empirical FinanceVol.6357-72p.
82018Tracking the impact of media on voter choice in real time: a bayesian dynamic joint model-Ghosh, Pulak ; Wilson, Hugh N ; Macdonald, Emma K ; Baines, Paul ; Pareek, Bhuvanesh Journal of The American Statistical AssociationVol.113Iss.5241457-1475p.