In her name: Measuring the gender asset gap in Karnataka, Ghana, and Ecuador


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Issue DateTitleSub-TitleAuthor(s)Journal NameVolume NumberIssue NumberPages
12-Mar-2016In her name: Measuring the gender asset gap in Karnataka, Ghana, and Ecuador-Swaminathan, Hema 

Data sources on individual asset ownership and wealth patterns are few and far between in India as well as globally. The Karnataka Household Asset Survey (KHAS), 2010-11, headed by Hema Swaminathan at the Centre for Public Policy, a component of the Gender Asset Gap Project, was the first state representative survey which collected such information in India. This survey interviewed around 7,200 individuals from over 4,000 households across nine districts in Karnataka. The data collection was undertaken through face-to-face interviews with the respondents and information was recorded in paper questionnaires. The data was subsequently entered in CS Pro, and exported to Stata for analysis. The project team has brought out several technical reports, working papers, journal articles, and advocacy material using the KHAS data.
Public policy
Gender asset gap
Project title
In her name: Measuring the gender asset gap in Karnataka, Ghana, and Ecuador
Project Coordinator
Expected Completion