Browsing by Author Chanda, Rupa

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Showing results 193 to 199 of 199 < previous 
Issue DateTitleSub-TitleAuthor(s)Journal NameVolume NumberIssue NumberPages
2009Understanding India's regional initiatives with East and Southeast Asia-Chanda, Rupa ; Gopalan, Sasidaran Asian-Pacific Economic LiteratureVol.23Iss.166-78p.
2004Understanding TRIPs Understanding TRIPs By M B Rao and Manjula Guru, Response Books, 2003, 358p., Rs. 480.00-Chanda, Rupa IIMB Management ReviewVol.16Iss.3125-127p.
21-Aug-2016What ails India's special economic zones (SEZs)?-Chanda, Rupa Deccan Herald, Bangalore
2021What drives global value chain participation?-Chakrabarty, Saunok ; Chanda, Rupa 47p.
18-Mar-2019With data localisation, frame policies to develop domestic computing facilities-Gupta, Pralok ; Chanda, Rupa The Economic Times
1999WTO and India in the millenium round-Indian Institute of Management Bangalore ; Ramanna, Anitha ; Srinivasan, Vasanthi ; Chanda, Rupa ; Sen, Chiranjib 53p.
2003WTO Negotiations on trade in services: The Indian perspective-Chanda, Rupa Monthly Economic DigestVol.April6-9p.