Browsing by Author Chanda, Rupa

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Showing results 137 to 156 of 199 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleSub-TitleAuthor(s)Journal NameVolume NumberIssue NumberPages
2018Seminar on trade in services-Chanda, Rupa 
2011Service sector liberalisation in India: Key lessons and challenges-Chanda, Rupa ; Gupta, Pralok 31p.
Apr-2010Service trade in South Asia: Rationale for integrating services under SAFTA-Chanda, Rupa Trade-InsightVol.6Iss.114-17p.
2015Services and India’s export competitiveness: sustainability and preparedness-Chanda, Rupa 
2019Services contribution to manufacturing exports and value-added: evidence from India and China-Chakrabarty, Saunok ; Chanda, Rupa 34p.
2017Services for manufacturing-Chanda, Rupa 352p.
6-Apr-2015Services growth and globalization in India and China-Chanda, Rupa 
2010Services growth in India: A look inside the black box-Dehejia, Rajeev ; Panagariya, Arvind ; Chanda, Rupa 
2011Services growth in India: Looking Inside the Black Box”-Chanda, Rupa 
2018Services in BIMSTEC: untapped possibilities-Chanda, Rupa ; Ghosh, Sudeshna 76-77p.
2014Services liberalization in South Asia: prospects and challenges for regional integration-Chanda, Rupa 35p.
2014Services liberalization in South Asia: Prospects and challenges for regional integration-Chanda, Rupa 
2013Services liberalization in South Asia: Prospects and challenges for regional integration-Chanda, Rupa 
2013Services negotiations and South Asia: Priorities and concerns, at Regional Consultation on “Road to Bali: South Asian Priorities for the 9th WTO Ministerial-Chanda, Rupa 
2013Services sector reforms in India: update and challenges-Chanda, Rupa ; Gupta, Pralok 269-305p.
2018Services trade liberalization in South Asia-Chanda, Rupa 119-154p.
2011Services-led growth-Chanda, Rupa 624-633p.
2015Servicification of Indian manufacturing: key trends and policy takeaways-Chanda, Rupa 
2003Social Services and the GATS: Key Issues and concerns-Chanda, Rupa World DevelopmentVol.31Iss.121997-2011p.
2014Stakeholder consultation on analysis of selected Indian FTAs-Chanda, Rupa