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Issue Date | Title | Sub-Title | Author(s) | Journal Name | Volume Number | Issue Number | Pages |
2007 | Impact of Foreign investment in hospital: Case study of India | - | Chanda, Rupa | Harvard Health Policy Review | Vol.8 | Iss.2 | 121-140p. |
2010 | Impact of non-resident Keralites remittances for Kerala economy and society | - | Rajan, Sebastian Irudaya ; Zachariah, Kunniparampil Curien ; Chanda, Rupa | | | | |
2011 | Impact of services trade liberalization on employment and people movement in South Asia | - | Chanda, Rupa | | | | 48p. |
1997 | Impact of trade liberalization on foreign direct investment in producer services | - | Chanda, Rupa | | | | 76p. |
2016 | Impact of trade liberalization on Indian textile firms: a panel analysis in exploring beyond boundaries | - | Mukherjee, Subhadip ; Chanda, Rupa | | | | 229-255p. |
2021 | Implications of Brexit for Skilled Migration from India to the UK | - | Chanda, Rupa ; Betai, Neha Vinod | Foreign Trade Review | Vol.56 | Iss.3 | 289-300p. |
2008 | India and services outsourcing in Asia | - | Chanda, Rupa | Singapore Economic Review | Vol.53 | Iss.3 | 419-447p. |
2019 | India's integration in services with Asian FTA partners | - | Chanda, Rupa ; Ghosh, Sudeshna | | | | 27p. |
2019 | India's services sector: trends, opportunities and challengess | - | Chanda, Rupa | | | | 1040p. |
2015 | India-EU people mobility: historical, economic and regulatory dimensions | - | Chanda, Rupa ; Gupta, Pralok | | | | 255p. |
2011 | India-EU relations in health services: prospects and challenges | - | Chanda, Rupa | Globalization And Health | Vol.7 | | 13p. |
2010 | India-EU relations in health services: Prospects and challenges | - | Chanda, Rupa | | | | |
7-Oct-2010 | India-Ohio outsourcing ban: take-away from the Ohio Outsourcing Ban | - | Chanda, Rupa | East Asia Forum | | | |
2018 | Indian migration to the gulf:
overview of trends and policy
initiatives by India | - | Chanda, Rupa ; Gupta, Pralok | | | | 179-197p. |
2014 | Indian student mobility to Germany: trends, prospects and implications for the labour market | - | Chanda, Rupa ; Mukherjee, Shahana | Journal of Educational Planning and Administration | Vol.28 | Iss.1 | 5-38 p. |
2012 | Indian student mobility to selected European countries: an overview | - | Mukherjee, Shahana ; Chanda, Rupa | | | | 58p. |
1-Jun-2016 | India’s FTAs with Asian partners: Implications for the IT and IT-eS Sector | - | Chanda, Rupa | | | | |
2015 | India’s healthcare exports: challenges and concerns | - | Chanda, Rupa | | | | |
2019 | India’s integration in services with Asian FTA partners | - | Chanda, Rupa | | | | 117-143p. |
2018 | India’s prospects for services integration with Asian FTA partners | - | Chanda, Rupa | | | | |