Browsing by Author Chanda, Rupa

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Showing results 14 to 33 of 199 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleSub-TitleAuthor(s)Journal NameVolume NumberIssue NumberPages
2013Deepening cooperation in services among BRICS members-Chanda, Rupa 209-318p.
2014Demographic and labour market trends: opportunities and challenges for India’s labour services exports-Chanda, Rupa 
2013Demographic changes, services exports and trade policy: Opportunities and challenges for India-Chanda, Rupa 
2016Demographics and labour markets: implications for mode 4 trade-Chanda, Rupa 412-447p.
2011Developing a knowledgebase for policymaking on India–EU Migration-Chanda, Rupa 
2017Differential effects of trade openness on Indian manufacturing firms-Mukherjee, Subhadip ; Chanda, Rupa Economic ModellingVol.61273-292p.
2010Domestic regulation and services liberalization: Opportunities and complementary strategies-Chanda, Rupa 
2014Domestic regulations and India’s trade in health services: a study of hospital and telemedicine services-Chanda, Rupa ; Gupta, Pralok 254-269p.
2014Education and skill development-Chanda, Rupa 
2022Exploring the Canadian market for Indian health workers-Bhattacharjee, Ayona ; Datta, Banantika ; Chanda, Rupa 22p.
2013Facilitating skilled mobility under preferential arrangements: case of India-Chanda, Rupa 252-269p.
2021Financing constraints and exports: Evidence from manufacturing firms in India-Mukherjee, Shahana ; Chanda, Rupa Empirical EconomicsVol.61309-337p.
2003General agreement on trade in service: Implications for social policy making-Chanda, Rupa Economic and Political WeeklyVol.38Iss.161567-1578p.
2009Getting a dial tone: telecommunications liberalisation in Malaysia and the Philippines-Chanda, Rupa Asian Pacific Economic Literature (APEL)118–119p.
2009Global economic crisis and protectionism in services for India’s IT–ITeS exports and the GATS-Chanda, Rupa ICRIER Policy BriefVol.1Iss.160p.
2010Global trade and migration challenges: International cooperation and regulatory coordination-Chanda, Rupa 
2020Global value chain participation and intermediate export sophistication-Betai, Neha Vinod ; Chanda, Rupa 50p.
2022Global Value Chains and International Trade Dynamics-Mukherjee, Deeparghya ; Chanda, Rupa Foreign Trade ReviewVol.57Iss.4363-366p.
2020Global value networks: Case study of the Indian auto industry-Dash, Ankita ; Chanda, Rupa 26p.
2015Globalization and deregulation: ideas, interests and institutional change in India by Rahul Mukherji, OUP India, 2014, 280p., Rs. 550.00-Chanda, Rupa IIMB Management ReviewVol.27Iss.2141-143p.