Browsing by Author Swaminathan, Hema

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Showing results 55 to 74 of 87 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleSub-TitleAuthor(s)Journal NameVolume NumberIssue NumberPages
2013On the normalization of dimensioned variables-Malghan, Deepak ; Swaminathan, Hema 14p.
2019Promises unfulfilled: Women’s access to land in India-Swaminathan, Hema ; Suchitra, J Y 356p.
2011Property rights and household income diversification in rural Malawi-Swaminathan, Hema ; Grown, Caren ; Hillesland, Marya 
2010Property rights and household income diversification in rural Malawi-Swaminathan, Hema ; Grown, Caren ; Hillesland, Marya 
2011Property rights and household income diversification in rural Malawi-Swaminathan, Hema ; Grown, Caren ; Hillesland, Marya 
2013Property rights and the gender distribution of wealth in Ecuador, Ghana and India-Deere, Carmen Diana ; Oduro, Abena D ; Swaminathan, Hema ; Doss, Cheryl Journal of Economic inequalityVol.11Iss.2249-265p.
2011Property status and inter-spousal dynamics in decision-making in Karnataka-Swaminathan, Hema ; Lahoti, Rahul ; Suchitra, J Y 
2016Public work programs and social capital: An exploration of MGNREGA in India-Bhuwania, Pragya ; Heymann, Jody ; Mukherji, Arnab ; Nandi, Arijit ; Swaminathan, Hema 10p.
2017Public work programs and social capital: an exploration of NREGA in India-Swaminathan, Hema ; Bhuwania, Pragya ; Heymann, Jody ; Mukherji, Arnab ; Nandi, Arijit 10p.
2013Role of Mahila Samkshya in empowering women?-Mukherji, Arnab ; Swaminathan, Hema ; Thomas, B 
2020Seasonal migration and feminization of farm management: Evidence from India-Chandrasekhar, S ; Sahoo, Soham ; Swaminathan, Hema 56p.
20-Nov-2017Short-term migration and women farmers-Swaminathan, Hema India in Transition
2012Slums and malnourishment: evidence from women in India-Swaminathan, Hema ; Mukherji, Arnab American Journal of Public HealthVol.102Iss.71329-1335p.
2016The contribution of Intra-household gender inequality in earnings to overall inequality: Evidence from Global Data, 1973-2013-Malghan, Deepak ; Swaminathan, Hema 32p.
2017The effect of paid maternity leave on early childhood growth in low-income and middle-income countries-Jahagirdar, Deepa ; Harper, Sam ; Heymann, Jody ; Swaminathan, Hema ; Mukherji, Arnab ; Nandi, Arijit BMJ Global HealthVol.2Iss.311p.
2011The gender asset and wealth gaps: evidence from Ecuador, Ghana, and Karnataka, India-Doss, Cheryl R ; Deere, Carmen Diana ; Oduro, Abena D ; Swaminathan, Hema 25p.
2013The role of right to health in health care management and delivery in India: in conversation with Dr Devi Prasad Shetty, Chairman, Narayana Hrudayalaya-Mukherji, Arnab ; Swaminathan, Hema IIMB Management ReviewVol.25Iss.128-35p.
2018Ties that bind? Kinship and female enterprise creation in rural India-Venkataraman, Hemalatha ; Smits, Jeroen ; Vermeulen, Patrick ; Swaminathan, Hema Vol.2018Iss.1
2021Trends in rural fiscal decentralisation in India’s Karnataka state: a focus on public health-Rao, Megha ; Mukherji, Arnab ; Swaminathan, Hema Commonwealth Journal of Local GovernanceIss.2556-78p.
2013Understanding wealth inequality using NSS data-Lahoti, Rahul ; Swaminathan, Hema