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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleSub-TitleAuthor(s)Journal NameVolume NumberIssue NumberPages
2016Business strategy and systemic risk: evidence from Indian banks-Gupta, Rohit ; Jayadev, M 25p.
2015Retesting the estimation of a utility-based asset pricing model using normal mixture GARCH (1, 1)-Gupta, Rohit ; Vinu C T 32p.
2016Value relevance of accounting information on return and risk: evidence from Indian banks-Gupta, Rohit ; Jayadev, M 27p.
2016Value relevance of business strategy: evidence from Indian banks-Gupta, Rohit ; Jayadev, M 27P.
2016Value relevance of return, risk and strategy: evidence from the Indian banking sector-Gupta, Rohit 104p