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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleSub-TitleAuthor(s)Journal NameVolume NumberIssue NumberPages
20010-1 Knapsack problems with random budgets-Das, Shubhabrata ; Ghosh, Diptesh 22p.
2003On a new measure of skewness for unimodal distributions :-Das, Shubhabrata ; Ghosh, Diptesh 19p.
2009On homogeneous skewness of unimodal distributions-Das, Shubhabrata ; Mandal, Pranab K ; Ghosh, Diptesh Sankhya B: The Indian Journal of StatisticsVol.71Iss.Part-2187-205p.
2005On solving some stochastic discrete optimization problems under general regret function-Das, Shubhabrata ; Ghosh, Diptesh ; Mandal, Pranab K 51p.
2000Solving discrete optimization problems when element costs are random-Ghosh, Diptesh ; Das, Shubhabrata 11p.