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Title: Brief look at the history of temples in IIT Madras campus
Authors: Vaidyanathan, R 
Ayyar, Arun 
Ganapathy, Harish 
Hemanth, C 
Keywords: Education;Technical education;Engineering;Indian Institute of Technology;IIT
Issue Date: 10-Jun-2015
Abstract: Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) was commissioned in 1957. There are three temples in the IITM campus,namely (i) Sri Jalakantheswara temple on the Delhi Avenue (ii) Sri Peeliamman Temple on the Delhi Avenue near the stadium(iii) Sri Varasidhdhi Vinayaka Temple behind Taramani Guest House. These deities have been worshipped even before IITMwas established. However, no written material is available with the temples regarding their history during the pre-IITM period.To reconstruct the history of these temples, informal interviews were conducted with the people connected to the area beforeand during the establishment of IITM. In order to gain the archaeological view point we sought the help of Dr. Nagaswamy,a renowned archaeologist and epigraphist. He served as the Director of Archaeology of Tamil Nadu state Government for 22years. This document is a summary of the ?ndings of this exercise. Read more at:
Description: General, 10-06-2015
Appears in Collections:2010-2019

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