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Title: Ethics should be taught in professional courses
Authors: Krishnan, Rishikesha T 
Keywords: Education;Professional education
Issue Date: Jan-2010
Abstract: As the excesses of the past and the downfall of major financial institutions recede from memory, we should not lose sight of an important question that these events raised what is the role of professional education programmes in promoting ethical behaviour? As the excesses of the past and the downfall of major financial institutions recede from memory, we should not lose sight of an important question that these events raised what is the role of professional education programmes in promoting ethical behaviour? Though the financial crisis put the spotlight on management education, reports of doctors being involved in organ transplant rackets, accountants being party to major corporate frauds, or careless engineers being responsible for accidents at construction sites suggest that this question is equally relevant to other professional disciplines. Read more at:
Description: CFO-India||Edu Tech, January 2010
Appears in Collections:2010-2019

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