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Title: Women professionals in the software services sector in India
Authors: Srinivasan, Vasanthi 
Gupta, Amit 
Keywords: Women’s careers;Software industry;Women professionals;information and communications technology (ICT)
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Abstract: Much has been written about how women’s careers differ significantly from men’s careers and that they are likely to take different paths to reach the same career goals (O’Neil et al., 2008). Several studies have demonstrated the complex and interwoven choices and constraints in women’s careers (Powell and Mainiero, 1992), the ebb and flow of career and life responsibilities at different life stages (O’Neil and Bilimoria, 2005) and the impact of family responsibilities on women’s careers (Kirchmeyer, 2002; Ruderman et al., 2002). The career paths of women often consist of several breaks and flexible work arrangements and are defined by the organizational practices that enable or hinder women in their career journey. It is often mentioned that information and communications technology (ICT) enables the increased participation of women since the discrimination that arises out of the physical aspects of work is absent. Many of the traditional stereotypical biases that prevent entry of women into other professions are missing in the context of the ICT-based sectors (ILO, 2001). Much has been written about how women’s careers differ significantly from men’s careers and that they are likely to take different paths to reach the same career goals (O’Neil et al., 2008).
ISBN: 9780857938954
DOI: 10.4337/9780857938961.00026
Appears in Collections:2010-2019

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